About Us

The Diamond Valley Car Club was formed in 2023 as a Non-Profit organization. We were looking for a means to host car shows, cruises and other social events for the Car, Truck and Bike enthusiasts in the Diamond Valley area. This past year the A&W in Diamond Valley was gracious enough to let us gather in their parking lot on Friday evenings from May into Sept. We’re happy to share that card carrying club members will receive 40% off any purchases for the entire year, not just the cruise nights……how nice is that? For the 2025 cruise season we plan on visiting the Okotoks A&W on Monday evenings with our friends from the Big Rock Auto Club and also hitting up the Aldersyde A&W to see the gang from the River City Classics car club out of High River…. feel free to join us at any or all of these spots and stay tuned for more activities to come. 

2025 Show & Shine

 Our 3rd annual Show & Shine on Sunday July 27th, 2025 promises to be the best one yet. With 300+ cars, trucks and motorcycles there’s something for everybody at the show. We’ll have food vendors on site, Aaron the DJ working his magic with music and announcements and vendor displays that are bound to capture your imagination. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer we can always use an extra hand, please feel free to contact us by phone, email or through our Facebook pages. Click on the 2025 Show & Shine tab at the top of the page for more information.

Club Membership

Our membership dues are $30.00/year payable Jan 1st. Your membership entitles you to (1) free vehicle entry at our annual show & shine, a free pancake breakfast at the show and a 40% discount at the Diamond Valley A&W anytime you feel the need for some tasty takeout. New membership payments and renewals can be paid by cash at any of our get togethers or can be sent via Etransfer to dvcarclub24@gmail.com. Please be sure to include your name and a contact number.


The  mission of the Diamond Valley Auto Club is to organize activities in which members can safely participate in various auto events. We will strive to maintain a membership of like minded  individuals welcoming all makes and models of cars, trucks and motorcycles. We will promote fellowship and social opportunities at our events while we strive to keep the atmosphere fun and enjoyable. We will encourage newcomers and educate them on the club and our various events.


We strongly believe in supporting the community, our members and neighbors in need through various local charitable contributions. All charitable undertakings are nominated and approved by a majority of attending members at our meetings.

2024 Show and Shine

Club Rules & Regulations

  1. Members must show respect to other members, other car clubs and the community.
  2. Members shall practice safe driving habits and abide by the alcoholic beverage consumption laws.
  3. Members will act in a mature adult manner when representing the club.
  4. Members are encouraged to assist in club sponsored events and meetings whenever possible.
  5. Members should assist other members whenever possible.
  6. If a member cannot adhere to the rules of the club and it is felt that a member’s actions or activities harm the club, its members or reputation, that member may be excused from the club.
  7. Each member will accept any and all liability for personal safety and or property damage at “Club attended or sponsored events”
  8. Annual memberships are for a full calendar year.
  9. Club Rules and Regulations are subject to change.
  10. The Executive Committee decisions are FINAL

Talk to us

Like to get in touch with us? Our contact page has a message center or you can call, text or Email. You can also find us on Facebook on our Diamond Valley Car Club and Diamond Valley Show & Shine pages.